Re-Starting EK TW Practices

revised March 2023

East Kingdom Thrown Weapons practices and event ranges must operate in compliance with all applicable state/province and local safety regulations, and with all SCA and EK requirements.

The current SCA and EK COVID policies are summarized in this recent announcement:

Please note that the SCA Health Acknowledgment must still be posted (a version for TW practices is available at:

If you have any questions about these policies, please ask your TW Regional Deputy or local branch seneschal.

At any EK TW practice or event range, the site host may still require masks. Even where masks aren’t required, we encourage and support anyone wearing a mask as they feel appropriate.

All EKTW Policies (rules handbook) still apply. Please note especially III.F.: If additional safety rules will be in effect at the practice, those must be clearly stated in all notices for the practice.

To Reopen a Local TW Practice

TW Marshals: To reopen a local TW practice, please complete this Google form so your Regional Deputy has the information they need to know what’s happening where! This enables us to connect throwers and MITs to local practices and keep the web page updated as a TW community resource.

Please also inform the branch seneschal that the TW practice is starting, and whatever schedule you’re planning.

SCA East Kingdom Thrown Weapons web site